Wednesday, August 15, 2012

8 Months Old!

Oh Mya, can you please stop getting so big so fast?!  I know I say it every month (and I know I say that I say it every month) but I just cannot believe how fast time flies by.  It seems so much faster with the second baby for some reason.  I remember Connor's first year flying by, but with Mya, I swear I look at her and just cannot wrap my mind around the fact that she isn't a newborn anymore.  And she is still so tiny, when she does "big baby" things, it seems weird, ha!  Whenever we go to stores or restaurants, people are always shocked when they hear she is only 8 months old.  I am forever hearing "No she isn't!?" or before they ask they say "She sits so well for her age!!" They don't even know how old she is, I think they all just assume she is 5-6 months old. No pedi appointment until next months so no weight stats for now.  At 6 1/2 months, she was 14ish lbs. Peanut head! ;)


8 Months Stats
- Wearing 6 month sleepers and onesies but mostly 3 months for outfits
- Size 2 diapers during the day, size 3 at night (she leaks otherwise)
- (4) 4.5 oz bottles (long story there...) and (1) 6 oz bottle per day
- Eating solids and finger foods like a champ 
- She has her mother's taste buds. Not a fan of veggies but loves bread, pasta, cheese...pretty much anything NOT great for you. 
- Sleeping from 7pm until 5-7am
- Still no paci...we gave up on that months ago
- 2-3 naps per day - the length of each nap is different every day
- TWO teeth!!
- My mom gave her her first juice this weekend. She likes it but didn't seem to go crazy or anything
- Still LOVES her big brother (who is still obsessed with her nose)
- Her and Connor have started to "play" in the car and it melts me every.single.time.
- She does this weird growl think lately and tries to bite...especially to Connor's head. She thinks his hair in delicious. We joke that she's a little zombie baby (although maybe that isn't an overly tasteful joke these days...)
- She fake coughs
- Blowing bubble/srasberries
- She mimics sounds but only when she wants to. Not 100% sure she's doing it on purpose. 
- Very ticklish
- Stage 5 CLINGER! I can't put her down or leave the room for more than 30 seconds these days...oye!
- Army crawling but still no real crawling
- Trying to pull herself up to things but hasn't quite gotten it
- A smiley baby even with strangers lately (who used to make her cry)
- Still the most beautiful baby in the entire world and the apple of our eye




Blowing bubbles/spitting at her brother

Oh and party planning has officially begun! Now if only I could decide on a theme!!