8 Months Stats
- Wearing 6 month sleepers and onesies but mostly 3 months for outfits
- Size 2 diapers during the day, size 3 at night (she leaks otherwise)
- (4) 4.5 oz bottles (long story there...) and (1) 6 oz bottle per day
- Eating solids and finger foods like a champ
- She has her mother's taste buds. Not a fan of veggies but loves bread, pasta, cheese...pretty much anything NOT great for you.
- Sleeping from 7pm until 5-7am
- Still no paci...we gave up on that months ago
- 2-3 naps per day - the length of each nap is different every day
- TWO teeth!!
- TWO teeth!!
- My mom gave her her first juice this weekend. She likes it but didn't seem to go crazy or anything
- Still LOVES her big brother (who is still obsessed with her nose)
- Her and Connor have started to "play" in the car and it melts me every.single.time.
- She does this weird growl think lately and tries to bite...especially to Connor's head. She thinks his hair in delicious. We joke that she's a little zombie baby (although maybe that isn't an overly tasteful joke these days...)
- She fake coughs
- Blowing bubble/srasberries
- Blowing bubble/srasberries
- She mimics sounds but only when she wants to. Not 100% sure she's doing it on purpose.
- Very ticklish
- Stage 5 CLINGER! I can't put her down or leave the room for more than 30 seconds these days...oye!
- Army crawling but still no real crawling
- Trying to pull herself up to things but hasn't quite gotten it
- A smiley baby even with strangers lately (who used to make her cry)
- Still the most beautiful baby in the entire world and the apple of our eye
Blowing bubbles/spitting at her brother
Oh and party planning has officially begun! Now if only I could decide on a theme!!