
Our first born. <3

Connor Michael was born at 39 weeks on June 8, 2009 at 5:22am.  He was 7lbs 3oz and 20 1/2 inches long.

My water broke while we were laying in bed around 9:45pm watching Food Network.  It sounded and felt like a water balloon popped inside me, so weird.  I figured I was about to start at least a 24 hour labor (not sure why, but I was convinced I would labor forever) so I wandered around the house and hopped on Facebook to announce my water breaking.  I was so laid back.

20 minutes later, contractions started and I was fairly certain I was dying.  I can honestly say I have never felt that kind of pain nor did I realize it was possible to experience such pain.  They were coming every 2-3 minutes and lasting about a minute long every time, YUCK!  I got to the hospital, changed into my gown and got ready to be checked.  I figured I would be 3 cm or so and I COULD NOT WAIT for my epideral. The nurse checked me and said "Honey, you're 7cm, I don't think you are going to make it to the epideral."  I bursted into tears and cried to Pat that there was no way I could possibly withstand this pain long enough to become fully dilated much less squeeze a baby out of there.  They took blood (and somehow managed to cause me to gush everywhere requiring me to change my gown, ugh) and hooked me up to an IV which was loaded with pain meds (at my request).  I don't remember feeling much pain once I had the meds. I just remember feeling really out of it.  According to Pat, I was still in excruciating pain, I just don't remember...which I guess works for me. :P

My nurse came back in to check me an hour later and I was 10cm.  Her exact words, "You're fully dilated but I believe in epiderals so I'm going to get you one." HALLELUJAH!  Labor was a breeze afterwards! ;)  Shortly after, I started pushing....and pushing....and pushing.  I went from the traditional spread eagle pose, to on my side, back on my back...I pushed every which way.  Bubby boy just refused to make his way down the birth canal.  Eventually (I pushed for roughly 2 hours) his heart rate started dropping with every contraction so the doctor on call (not my doctor - sad face) decided a c-section was the way to go.  I started to freak a little, but I really just wanted a. for it to be over, and b. for my baby to be born safely.  It seemed like the second he said "c-section" all of the sudden there were 10 people in the room hooking me up to oxygen, shaving my belly (sexy right?), putting shower caps on my head, dressing hubby... it was madness. Then we heading to the OR!

Super blood/guts/anxiety/pressure/craziness - and then....the most beautiful sound in the entire world.  My son's cry. That's right, my SON!  I had a son (though I knew it throughout my pregnancy).  I was a mom.  I was someone's mom!! What a crazy, indescribable moment. ;)

Such a beautiful baby! In the 33 months since he was born, he has become my best friend and the love of my life.  <3

What a handsome boy!