Patrick has been home sick with pink eye (don't tell him I told you) for the past 2 days and as sorry as I feel for his poor, miserable eye, it has been nice to have him around so much. Normally he is gone from 7:30am until 5:30pm Monday-Friday so it has been great to have 4 consecutive days with him, even though he couldn't help out with the kids - we don't want him germing them up and giving them pink eye. ;)
Connor has loved having Daddy around too! He is finally getting over his sicky funk (he was miserable with a high fever for 4 days last week) and getting back to his normal self. I love that he is better, but is it sad that I miss his cuddlebug-ness? He is such a stinker these days! Terrible twos is an understatement! I think a lot of times, kids' behavior is a reflection of parenting, but I swear I don't put up with tantrums....EVER! And yet Connor feels the need to challenge me He throws tantrums, has been hitting lately, name it, he does it! And then as quickly as it starts, its over and he is back to being the world's cutest 2 year old. ::sigh:: I LOVE this stage that he is in. He says the most adorable things in the most ridiculously cute little voice. He is a little lover - both to Pat and I, and to Mya. He is funny and loves to make people laugh and yet at the same time, he is so shy and clingly when it comes to strangers. And yet with all of these wonderful things, this has easily been the HARDEST stage we have gone through so far. We just haven't found a form of discipline that really works for him. Threats - NO. Time-out - NO. If-then - NO. Yelling - NO. Calm, "let's talk it out" approach - NO. He is just so stubborn. Sometimes it's all I can do to not just break down and cry during one of his tantrums (which trust me, I did plenty of while I was pregnant). I am just praying that Mya is a little easier on me....and that Connor grows out of this stage soon! Anyway, pictures of my little McNuggets?! You got it. ;)
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