A little late? Meh, at least the pictures are from the day she turned 5 months!
Let's get right to it (and I will back date these answers to 2 weeks ago ;)
5 Month Stats:
- Still in size 1 diapers
- Wearing 3 month clothes (a few 0-3 month things here and there)
- We have completely given up on the pacifier
- Still not sleeping through the night - up 2-3 times
- We took a quick break from solids because it didn't seem like she was ready but we're back at it. She prefers the orange-y veggies to the green veggies but she is doing pretty well with them.
- She is taking 5 oz bottles every 2-3 hours (she thinks she's still a newborn ;)
- She has been rolling belly to back and back to belly like a champ
- Still loves her big brother
- Started sticking her tongue out when she smiles. Cutest. Baby. Ever.
- "Talking" like crazy
- Loves to put anything and everything in her mouth
- Still LOVES being changed
- She's becoming a much happier baby - yay!
- And although it may be evident, she gets cuter every day. :)
She is our little princess and we are falling in love with all of the new things she is doing all the time. I cannot believe she is already almost half way through her first year. SLOW DOWN, baby girl!!!
She does get cuter every day! She's a tiny little thing. She's beautiful!! Happy 5 months baby girl :)