Tuesday, September 25, 2012

9 Months!

- 16lbs 14oz - 20th percentile
- 26 1/2" 10th percentile
- Tiny and chubby <3
- Wearing 6 month outfits - will be in 9 months for sleepers and onesies soon
- Size 3 diapers
- (4) 5oz bottles and (1) 6oz bottle a day
- LOVE finger foods - not into baby food much anymore
- Still not a huge fan of veggies
- Sleeping 7pm until 6-7am
- Usually 2 naps a day - length varies
- Still only 2 teeth
- Army crawling like nobody's business
- Pulling up to anything and everything - sometimes walking along things
- Can climb up onto the treadmill - found that out the hard way
- BABY BABBLE!!! Especially "yayayaya" and "babababa"
- Still loves her big brother
- Still tries to bite (yep, with 2 little teeth) when she gets mad
- Very ticklish!
- Still a clinger but she will crawl around the house and play as long as she can see me..but if I try to leave the room, she goes nuts!
- Does this new shy snuggle when strangers talk to her or if anyone talks to her when she first wakes (except her mama or course)
- Still doing the scrunchy nose
- Sticks her tongue out when you stick yours out at her
- LOVES her "I love Mommy" teether frog..it was Connor's when he was a baby and he's her best bud
- Starting to rock some  baby curls!!





Drama Face!





  1. Just beautiful! And I love that her room is blue! I had a blue themed nursery in mind if my son had been a girl :)

    1. Thank you! It's funny, the room was blue before she was born and I had every intention of painting it pink. Then as I started buying pink accessories, I realized how much I LOVED the blue with pink and white accents. Saved me from painting and I love the outcome. ;)
