Tuesday, September 25, 2012

9 Months!

- 16lbs 14oz - 20th percentile
- 26 1/2" 10th percentile
- Tiny and chubby <3
- Wearing 6 month outfits - will be in 9 months for sleepers and onesies soon
- Size 3 diapers
- (4) 5oz bottles and (1) 6oz bottle a day
- LOVE finger foods - not into baby food much anymore
- Still not a huge fan of veggies
- Sleeping 7pm until 6-7am
- Usually 2 naps a day - length varies
- Still only 2 teeth
- Army crawling like nobody's business
- Pulling up to anything and everything - sometimes walking along things
- Can climb up onto the treadmill - found that out the hard way
- BABY BABBLE!!! Especially "yayayaya" and "babababa"
- Still loves her big brother
- Still tries to bite (yep, with 2 little teeth) when she gets mad
- Very ticklish!
- Still a clinger but she will crawl around the house and play as long as she can see me..but if I try to leave the room, she goes nuts!
- Does this new shy snuggle when strangers talk to her or if anyone talks to her when she first wakes (except her mama or course)
- Still doing the scrunchy nose
- Sticks her tongue out when you stick yours out at her
- LOVES her "I love Mommy" teether frog..it was Connor's when he was a baby and he's her best bud
- Starting to rock some  baby curls!!





Drama Face!




Wednesday, August 15, 2012

8 Months Old!

Oh Mya, can you please stop getting so big so fast?!  I know I say it every month (and I know I say that I say it every month) but I just cannot believe how fast time flies by.  It seems so much faster with the second baby for some reason.  I remember Connor's first year flying by, but with Mya, I swear I look at her and just cannot wrap my mind around the fact that she isn't a newborn anymore.  And she is still so tiny, when she does "big baby" things, it seems weird, ha!  Whenever we go to stores or restaurants, people are always shocked when they hear she is only 8 months old.  I am forever hearing "No she isn't!?" or before they ask they say "She sits so well for her age!!" They don't even know how old she is, I think they all just assume she is 5-6 months old. No pedi appointment until next months so no weight stats for now.  At 6 1/2 months, she was 14ish lbs. Peanut head! ;)


8 Months Stats
- Wearing 6 month sleepers and onesies but mostly 3 months for outfits
- Size 2 diapers during the day, size 3 at night (she leaks otherwise)
- (4) 4.5 oz bottles (long story there...) and (1) 6 oz bottle per day
- Eating solids and finger foods like a champ 
- She has her mother's taste buds. Not a fan of veggies but loves bread, pasta, cheese...pretty much anything NOT great for you. 
- Sleeping from 7pm until 5-7am
- Still no paci...we gave up on that months ago
- 2-3 naps per day - the length of each nap is different every day
- TWO teeth!!
- My mom gave her her first juice this weekend. She likes it but didn't seem to go crazy or anything
- Still LOVES her big brother (who is still obsessed with her nose)
- Her and Connor have started to "play" in the car and it melts me every.single.time.
- She does this weird growl think lately and tries to bite...especially to Connor's head. She thinks his hair in delicious. We joke that she's a little zombie baby (although maybe that isn't an overly tasteful joke these days...)
- She fake coughs
- Blowing bubble/srasberries
- She mimics sounds but only when she wants to. Not 100% sure she's doing it on purpose. 
- Very ticklish
- Stage 5 CLINGER! I can't put her down or leave the room for more than 30 seconds these days...oye!
- Army crawling but still no real crawling
- Trying to pull herself up to things but hasn't quite gotten it
- A smiley baby even with strangers lately (who used to make her cry)
- Still the most beautiful baby in the entire world and the apple of our eye




Blowing bubbles/spitting at her brother

Oh and party planning has officially begun! Now if only I could decide on a theme!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Photo Session (3 yrs/7 mos)

I was originally going to do this session when Connor turned 3 and when Mya turned 6 months old (1 day apart) but I really wanted her to be sitting so I could do a few of them together.  Mya was still so unsteady, I just decided to wait until she was doing it without any problems which ended up being 7 months. Meh, whatever.

I planned to do all of theirs together outside but that ended up being a total bust. Mya didn't like the grass (it is crazy dry here and the grass is like straw) and Connor could not stop talking about the playground. So then I was looking in the storage shed for...something, I can't remember what...and I found a package I had ordered a few months ago. It was suspenders for Connor. I had planned to use them for his session and completely forgot about them. So I got him dressed in his little outfit - just wanted to throw it out there that his pants were from last fall and at least 2 inches too short - and snapped a few photos. Once I saw them in camera, I fell. in. love. So I decided to put a black romper on Mya with a shabby headband that I made a few months ago and went with a whole vintage set. Loved everything about it. :)

This completely sums up their personalities. Mya is Little Miss Sassy Pants full of attitude and Connor is a little wild child who can never sit still. :)




Then I did a couple separate sets of Mya...







And then a few more from the outdoor session of my handsome 3 year old big kid. 



Thursday, July 12, 2012

7 Months Old!

Can this baby please stop getting so old so fast? It still blows my mind every day that she is turning into a tiny person! She should still be acting like a newborn. She should be sleeping 20 hours a day and eating every 2 hours. But no, instead she is developing an incredibly adorable personality that I just can't get enough of. She is just so ridiculously cute, I can hardly stand it sometimes.


7 Month Stats:
- Still wearing 3 month clothes...although she is just now starting to get into 6-9 in Children's Place jammies.
- Size 2 diapers
- Sleeping through the night most nights 6-7 until 6-7
- Eating 4-5 6oz bottles a day
- Solids twice a day - fruit late morning and meat/veggie for dinner
- Started with puffs and other tiny pieces of things like bread or fruit
- Still no crawling, just lots of rolling
- Sitting unassisted really well
- Loves to SCREAM at her big brother
- Becoming fascinated by the dogs
- Very smiley!!
- Giggles when you hold her in the air and when you tickle her chest/armpits
- LOVES to look at herself in the mirror
- Still loves her Daddy and her big brother but she is a major Mama's girl
- Only reaches for me :)
- Taking 2-3 naps a day
- Swollen gums and drooling but still no teeth
- Loves chewing/drooling all over Connor's cars
- Still putting E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G in her mouth and attempting to dive out of your arms to gobble something up
- Getting more beautiful by the day

She still has a monster attitude when she wants to but we couldn't love her more. Love love love her! 


I finally did her "6" month session (I was waiting until she could sit up by herself) and Connor's 3 year pictures. I will share more soon. For now, here is just a taste!


I know, I know, I chopped his hand. WHATEVER! I don't think I could possibly love this photo more than I do. He is perfect. :)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July!!


Hope you are all having a safe and fun holiday. Try and stay cool!! :)

Friday, June 15, 2012

6 Months Old!

Mya turned 6 months old the day after Connor turned 3. Talk about tuggin' on this mama's heart strings! Too many milestones for one weekend!!


She is getting more and more fun every day! She is such a little diva and thinks the world should revolve around her. She wants to be the center of attention at all times which is adorable and a pain at the same time. ;) She is playing more and can usually entertain herself for 30 minutes or so at a time. Hahah, however she tends to only do that 2 or 3 times a day. The rest of that time, she wants to be held and entertained.


6 Month Facts:
- SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT!! Usually from 7pm to 6-7am
- Size 2 diapers.
- Still wearing 3 month clothes - most still have plenty of room.
- up to 4-5 6z bottles a day.
- Eating solids like a champ. Although she can be a stinker when I give her things she's not a fan of (green veggies).
- Still sleeping with her seahorse and her lovey. 
- Still a Daddy's girl.
- Never wanted the binky so we stopped trying a while ago.
- Usually loves the car.
- Loves to grab faces and noses and "talk" to you.
- Loves toys that light up and play music. 
- Plays in the jumperoo thing for about 30 minutes a day. 
- Puts EVERYTHING in her mouth! Including her hands, shirt, and toes during eating time...fun.
- Puts herself to sleep happily at night but needs her butt patted for naps. 
- Sleeping almost exclusively on her belly. 
- Rolling all over the place and almost army crawling.
- Sitting unassisted for about a minute at a time. She still can't be left unattended sitting up (especially not with the new laminate flooring), but she is getting there! 
- Hair is filling in and growing!
- Starting to pull headbands off of her head and chewing on them.
- Still obsessed with the baby carrier. She doesn't like to sit in her carseat in a cart, she would much rather me wear her.
- Still the apple of our eye. <3


And a few from the past 2 weeks or so. :)

Daddy is hilarious!




And a rare one of my two little loves together. <3 (featuring the new floors!!)

Can't wait to see what this month brings baby girl!

Connor is 3!!

I cannot believe my baby boy is 3 (June 8)! He has turned into such a fun, silly little boy with so much personality (and attitude ;). It seems like just yesterday, he was the tiny bouncing baby that Mya is. I swear I still look at him at least once a day and think a. I still can't believe he is MINE and b. I can't believe what a little person he has become. He has his own thoughts, his own likes, and an amazing memory. He can hear or see something once and he'll remember it weeks later. It's crazy!


Life with a 3 year old Connor <3
- Goes through toy/movie phases all the time. He likes to keep up guessing what his favorite toy/game/movie will be this week.
- This week he is a huge Smurfs fan.
- Can't get enough of outdoor sports. He asks me or Pat to play baseball or golf at least 10 times a day.
- Loves mini golf and bowling.
- He is currently on a mac & cheese kick and wants it for lunch and dinner every day.
- LOVES breakfast sweest! Pop Tarts, donuts, waffles, french toast, pancakes (the kid can seriously eat 10 mini pancakes at a time), cereal, granola bars (ya know, the ones loaded with chocolate and/or peanut butter)...anything that will rot his teeth out of his head.
- He loves to love his baby sister. He melts my heart at least 3 times a day with things like "Hi baby girl!" "It's ok Mya, I coming" and "Goodnight, Mya. Wuh you." 
- He sleeps in a big boy bed (has since 22 months or so) with the door closed and a small nightlight. He comes in our room once in a while early in the morning (4 am or so) and sleeps between us until he wakes up. I secretly hopes he comes in sometimes and find I'm a tiny bit disappointed when I wake up in the morning and he's not there. With the exception of his awful dragon breath, I love waking up to his tiny little face in mine. ;)
- He loves to watch sports. He frequently requests that we watch golf or baseball.
- He loves Wheel of Fortune ("Letters") and gets super excited when there are W's in the puzzle. He has had a strange fascination with them since he learned the letter. I find it adorable. He yells "WOOK! A W!!!" Anytime he seems one on a sign. ;)
- He has learned "whatever" and for some reason I find it hilarious when he uses it. It's never said with attitude so I think it's funny coming out of a tiny little person. 
Connor: We don't have to buckle up?
Me: Yes, we do. 
Connor: Whateber.
Haha always said with a silly little smirk. 
- Daddy is still his best friend. Although Papa and Grammy are both a close second...and third I guess. He asks for Daddy at least 10 times a day and goes crazy when he comes home in the evening.
- Loves to terrorize his puppies. I have to tell him about 672 times a day "We don't hit the puppies!" and "Leave them alone!" 


He is my crazy little ball of energy. He makes my world a brighter place (and can usually sometimes drive me crazy ;) and I don't know what I would do without him. He is my best friend and I am in love with watching him grow up and do new things. I am so proud to call him mine. Happy Birthday baby boy. <3





One of the very few pictures I took at his party. I was so busy, I never walked around with my camera. :(

Thursday, May 24, 2012

5 Months (annnd 15 days)

A little late? Meh, at least the pictures are from the day she turned 5 months!


Let's get right to it (and I will back date these answers to 2 weeks ago ;)

5 Month Stats:
- Still in size 1 diapers
- Wearing 3 month clothes (a few 0-3 month things here and there)
- We have completely given up on the pacifier
- Still not sleeping through the night - up 2-3 times
- We took a quick break from solids because it didn't seem like she was ready but we're back at it. She prefers the orange-y veggies to the green veggies but she is doing pretty well with them.
- She is taking 5 oz bottles every 2-3 hours (she thinks she's still a newborn ;)
- She has been rolling belly to back and back to belly like a champ
- Still loves her big brother
- Started sticking her tongue out when she smiles. Cutest. Baby. Ever.
- "Talking" like crazy
- Loves to put anything and everything in her mouth
- Still LOVES being changed
- She's becoming a much happier baby - yay!
- And although it may be evident, she gets cuter every day. :)


She is our little princess and we are falling in love with all of the new things she is doing all the time. I cannot believe she is already almost half way through her first year. SLOW DOWN, baby girl!!! 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Apples and Oranges

(these pictures will all be completely random)

It's amazing how 2 babies from the same mama can be so insanely different. I remember at times when Connor was a baby thinking he was a somewhat difficult baby. Now I think I was smokin' crack...he was an angel baby! In the first few months, he was a tad colicky and cried a lot when he wasn't eating or sleeping, but by 3 months, that cleared up. By 5 months or so he was on an extremely regular schedule. He woke up at the same time every day, went down for all of his naps at the same time and slept for the same length of time every da, ate at the same time - he was like clock work. By 6 weeks or so, he was no longer eating through the night (although he would wake up at night for his pacifier) and was pretty much on a set 7pm-7am nightly stretch from 3 months on.


Mya is a WHOLE different story. Girlfriend is 5 months old (post coming soon) and has zero consistency with anything in life. She wakes up at different times all the time, has never slept through the night - usually up 3 times from the time she goes down until she is up for the day. She has no eating schedule - sometimes she eats full bottles all day, other times she snacks and leaves an ounce or two in every bottle. She will sometimes go down shortly after waking up, other times I try and put her down and she screams until I get her back up. One day I will put her down for a nap and she will sleep for 2-3 hours, other days I will put her down (at the same time) and she sleeps for 20 minutes. Baby girl says schedule smedule and it makes our days quite hectic. You never know when she is going to be happy and well rested or when she is going to be cranky MISERABLE and overtired. I keep saying "she'll do it when she's ready" (schedule) but I've gotta be honest, I need her to be ready! Ha, she is exhausting this poor mama!!

I just feel bad because sometimes when I am frustrated because I can't figure out what she needs/wants, I feel like I have less patience with Connor. :( Don't get me wrong, he is no angel, but I feel like I used to have a higher tolerance for his...antics...before Mya came along. I just don't want him to ever feel like he's not as important to me as he has always been. When I noticed I have had a short fuse with him, I usually try and do something just the two of us - like coloring, or dancing like goons, or sitting outside on the swing for a little while. I'll tell ya what...two kiddos is no walk in the park - at least not in this house. ;)



Sigh, and then you see her like this and all is right in the world again. ;)