Thursday, May 24, 2012

5 Months (annnd 15 days)

A little late? Meh, at least the pictures are from the day she turned 5 months!


Let's get right to it (and I will back date these answers to 2 weeks ago ;)

5 Month Stats:
- Still in size 1 diapers
- Wearing 3 month clothes (a few 0-3 month things here and there)
- We have completely given up on the pacifier
- Still not sleeping through the night - up 2-3 times
- We took a quick break from solids because it didn't seem like she was ready but we're back at it. She prefers the orange-y veggies to the green veggies but she is doing pretty well with them.
- She is taking 5 oz bottles every 2-3 hours (she thinks she's still a newborn ;)
- She has been rolling belly to back and back to belly like a champ
- Still loves her big brother
- Started sticking her tongue out when she smiles. Cutest. Baby. Ever.
- "Talking" like crazy
- Loves to put anything and everything in her mouth
- Still LOVES being changed
- She's becoming a much happier baby - yay!
- And although it may be evident, she gets cuter every day. :)


She is our little princess and we are falling in love with all of the new things she is doing all the time. I cannot believe she is already almost half way through her first year. SLOW DOWN, baby girl!!! 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Apples and Oranges

(these pictures will all be completely random)

It's amazing how 2 babies from the same mama can be so insanely different. I remember at times when Connor was a baby thinking he was a somewhat difficult baby. Now I think I was smokin' crack...he was an angel baby! In the first few months, he was a tad colicky and cried a lot when he wasn't eating or sleeping, but by 3 months, that cleared up. By 5 months or so he was on an extremely regular schedule. He woke up at the same time every day, went down for all of his naps at the same time and slept for the same length of time every da, ate at the same time - he was like clock work. By 6 weeks or so, he was no longer eating through the night (although he would wake up at night for his pacifier) and was pretty much on a set 7pm-7am nightly stretch from 3 months on.


Mya is a WHOLE different story. Girlfriend is 5 months old (post coming soon) and has zero consistency with anything in life. She wakes up at different times all the time, has never slept through the night - usually up 3 times from the time she goes down until she is up for the day. She has no eating schedule - sometimes she eats full bottles all day, other times she snacks and leaves an ounce or two in every bottle. She will sometimes go down shortly after waking up, other times I try and put her down and she screams until I get her back up. One day I will put her down for a nap and she will sleep for 2-3 hours, other days I will put her down (at the same time) and she sleeps for 20 minutes. Baby girl says schedule smedule and it makes our days quite hectic. You never know when she is going to be happy and well rested or when she is going to be cranky MISERABLE and overtired. I keep saying "she'll do it when she's ready" (schedule) but I've gotta be honest, I need her to be ready! Ha, she is exhausting this poor mama!!

I just feel bad because sometimes when I am frustrated because I can't figure out what she needs/wants, I feel like I have less patience with Connor. :( Don't get me wrong, he is no angel, but I feel like I used to have a higher tolerance for his...antics...before Mya came along. I just don't want him to ever feel like he's not as important to me as he has always been. When I noticed I have had a short fuse with him, I usually try and do something just the two of us - like coloring, or dancing like goons, or sitting outside on the swing for a little while. I'll tell ya what...two kiddos is no walk in the park - at least not in this house. ;)



Sigh, and then you see her like this and all is right in the world again. ;)

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Best Buds!

We have always wanted to have kids close in age because we wanted them to grow up close and be best friends. Connor and Mya are 2 1/2 years (almost to the day) and I can't even believe how well they get along at this point. Obviously I know things will change several times over the next few years, I am just so grateful for the relationship they have right now. I have friends and family member who have kids close in age and the oldest has been jealous from day one. I won't lie, I was slightly petrified that Connor was going to HATE this baby. I stay home and it had been just the two of us (during the day) up until Mya came along. I thought for sure he would act out and want nothing to do with her.


I couldn't have been more wrong! He absolutely loves his little sister - sometimes to a fault. :/ He talks to her in the sweetest voice saying this like "Hi, baby girl." "Hi, princess." "Such a pretty girl." He loves to hug her and love on her (again, sometimes to a fault...he can definitely overwhelm her with his loves). He really is just an amazing brother.


And she loves him just as much -- as long as he isn't talking to her a half an inch from her face. He can sit there and just look at her without saying anything and she lights up like a Christmas tree. She likes to play with his hands and just seems to adore him.

I know things could and probably will change, but I feel so grateful for the way they adore each other right now. If I could, I would bottle it up and keep it this way forever.
