Last Tuesday, Patrick had a meeting in Indianapolis in the morning so I got the kids loaded up and ready and we met him down there when he was done to go to the Indianapolis Zoo.
It's pretty cheap right now since it's technically off season. I'll tell ya though, it felt a lot more like a hot summer day in June than a day in March. We were actually hot! Crazy! Connor LOVED the zoo when we took him at the end of the summer last year. He loved seeing all of the animals and had a blast playing at the splash park they have there. This time around, he was a lot more skiddish. He is going through a phase where he is afraid of e.v.e.r.y.t.h..i.n.g! At the beginning of the month, both kids went with my brother and sister in law up to Chicago for World of Wheels. I think it's like a big car show? Connor has always loved cars and my brother in law fixes up and races cars on the weekend so we thought he would love it. Apparently all we were doing was traumatizing him! Ever since he got home, he is petrified of loud noises, especially those coming from cars, trucks, and motorcycles. He has been playing outside a lot and I have just been leaving the patio door open for a little extra breeze (no screen!). Anytime a loud truck or motorcycle drive by, he runs just inside the house, waits for it to pass, and then goes back outside. I feel so bad because he is genuinely scared. Poor kid. :(
Got a little sidetracked there, back to the zoo. Mya was actually awake almost the whole time we were there. She was happy and smiley for a while and then she wanted to be held but she was really good. Connor hadn't napped so he was a tiny bit cranky combined with being scared of everything so I don't think he had as great of a time as I was hoping he would.
He LOVES elephants and they're quiet so he liked seeing those. He had no interest in getting close enough to see most other animals though. He stayed a good 30 feet away from the lions and tigers, no interest in the monkeys (his favorite the last time we visited), no interest in fish, he gave the giraffes a quick moment of his attention and then he was done again. I'm hoping the next time we go, he eases up a little bit and has a little more fun.
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