- "Shh. Don't talk. You going to wake up my sister."
- "You don't say no a me!" - STINKER! He usually gets in trouble for this one but it sounds so cute sometimes, I grin to myself.
- "I just wuv you so much." - Always said while wrapping his arms around your neck. ::swoon::
- "I hungwy. My tummy's rumbwin" <3
- "I wannnt....grilled cheese....and apples....annnd..a sammich." - anytime you ask him what he wants to eat.
- "It's not me, it's my socks!" - When I told him to stop jumping the other day.
- "Damnit!...I don't say dat, dats a bad word. I sorry. I no meana say dat." Ha he let it slip and then called himself out immediately.
- Not something he says, but I love that every time he goes to the bathroom, he comes out and his shirt is tucked into his pants/underwear. ;)
- He currently knows most of the words to "Baby" by Justin Bieber, "Party Rock Anthem" by LMFAO (he knows the easy parts, not the raps), "One More Drinkin' Song" - Jerrod Neimann (haha, not proud but he LOVED it the first time he heard it on the radio and has referred to it as "my drinkin' song" every since..sigh), 2 other Bieber songs, "We Own the Night" by Lady Antibellum.....when he wants to hear one he'll say, "Wanna hear the baby song? C'mon, wet's hear it!"
- "OH NO! It's a STINGY BEE!!!"
- "We don't wike spiders....day not nice. Daddy needs to squish them with his fwip fwop."
Pat and I are always quoting him. He just has this adorable voice and says things in the cutest ways. At certain times, I wish I could freeze this stage and just stay here forever. Other times, I want to lock him in a closet! Hahah, I kid, I kid! He is my little love bug...attitude or not. ;)
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