Monday, April 2, 2012

Funny Boy

I know I'm a little bias, but Connor really is one of the funniest kids I know. At least once a day he says something that catches me off guard and cracks me up. People always say that kids are like sponges and they hear everything you say. It just amazes me how they can take what they are hearing and use it correctly. It's not even always something Pat or I say, sometimes he hears things on the TV shows he watches and then uses those phrases appropriately and it's hilarious/adorable. I have been wanting to do this for a while so I'm finally doing it. I want to share a few of the funny things he's said and some of the things he says all the time. It will be fun to look back on later. :)


  • "Shh. Don't talk. You going to wake up my sister."
  • "You don't say no a me!" - STINKER! He usually gets in trouble for this one but it sounds so cute sometimes, I grin to myself.
  • "I just wuv you so much." - Always said while wrapping his arms around your neck. ::swoon::
  • "I hungwy. My tummy's rumbwin" <3
  • "I wannnt....grilled cheese....and apples....annnd..a sammich." - anytime you ask him what he wants to eat.
  • "It's not me, it's my socks!" - When I told him to stop jumping the other day.
  • "Damnit!...I don't say dat, dats a bad word. I sorry. I no meana say dat." Ha he let it slip and then called himself out immediately.
  • Not something he says, but I love that every time he goes to the bathroom, he comes out and his shirt is tucked into his pants/underwear. ;)
  • He currently knows most of the words to "Baby" by Justin Bieber, "Party Rock Anthem" by LMFAO (he knows the easy parts, not the raps), "One More Drinkin' Song" - Jerrod Neimann (haha, not proud but he LOVED it the first time he heard it on the radio and has referred to it as "my drinkin' song" every since..sigh), 2 other Bieber songs, "We Own the Night" by Lady Antibellum.....when he wants to hear one he'll say, "Wanna hear the baby song? C'mon, wet's hear it!"
  • "OH NO! It's a STINGY BEE!!!"
  • "We don't wike not nice. Daddy needs to squish them with his fwip fwop."

Pat and I are always quoting him. He just has this adorable voice and says things in the cutest ways. At certain times, I wish I could freeze this stage and just stay here forever. Other times, I want to lock him in a closet! Hahah, I kid, I kid! He is my little love bug...attitude or not. ;)

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